“Why you need to act now” is a practical way and suggestions to make things better, faster, more positive, by being optimistic, changing your outlook on life and motivate self and others to make the most of life, opportunity, embrace chance, change, process and outcome. Pro-actively, hands-on and first-hand opt to do something, everything a little differently from now on.Imagine and think the impossible, what you really want, claim it into reality, believe that it will be so and it will most likely be and happen that way. That is the so-called law of attraction. Then ask and answer this question and musing for yourself. How do you see and think about yourself, a success, a failure, disappointment, achiever? How do others see you? Is there a discrepancy between these two perspectives and why? How can you change matters, starting now? Change your thought, patterns, habits and self-talk that is mainly negative, into more positive thoughts, no matter how hard that might be for your inner skeptic and critic to do! See yourself as succeeding and having anything and everything you hope and dream of and then will it into being.Expect the best, always and every time and you are most likely not to suffer of perfectionism, but reap the benefit of real focused effort and successful outcome. Use your energy and resources, enthusiasm wisely and where it makes a difference, counts, exuding it, radiating it, from the inside out, not the outside in. Make the minds-set you have in mind here, a state of mind, all the time, your lifestyle and life-outlook of choice. Make it what motivates you.Surround yourself with positive energy and others that remain and contribute to the optimistic nature of things, rather than the negative, whining, high-maintenance types that zap and tap, erode your energy. Learn from success and failure, lessons and experiences from the past. Regret and past events cannot help you get ahead any longer, stop reliving it and punishing yourself for it.Be forward-facing and continue to grow and master being, staying, getting, keeping your positive mental attitude.Secrets on “Why you need to act now” thought patterns and restoring optimism to your life-Accentuate the positives.-Bright side and silver lining should become part of your vocabulary, losing words like loser, cannot, not good enough from your everyday thoughts, actions, decisions and communications with others/self.-Concentrate on ways to use your strengths and abilities and look for ways to improve your weaknesses.-Do not get discourages, quit, give up, get put back on the negative track through hardship and setbacks. They could be the beginnings of great things to come.-Do not wish problems away, but put a different spin on them, making it easier to address, approach and handle.-Don't let the negatives in your life drag you down, think and live MORE uplifting positive mental attitudes and you will reap the reward!-Don't take yourself too seriously.-Engage in positive self-talk. Boost your own self-confidence and be your own flag-bearer.-Find and infuse fun into everything and every corner of what you do, where and how you live your life.-Optimize all chances and opportunities, finding ways to make even the most unpleasant task and item, more enjoyable and pleasure-filled.-Visualize success, anticipate success not imminent fear of failure, disappointment or regret.