Dip into any news cycle these days and you will be assailed by stories of division, Between races, nations, professions, politicians, thought leaders... a rush to Other-ing. 30 years after the collapse of the Berlin Wall, it seems the walls between us are proliferating.Step into pretty much any organisation and you will find similar tales of woe. "It's sales!" ,"It's production!", "It's the customers!". And any sentence that starts "the trouble with..." is usually in support of another wall. Thirdly we all have walls inside our own hearts and minds. Walls that may have been built when we were 6 months old but we still think we can't walk through. Walls that keep us isolated.Walking through Walls uses real life examples to highlight these walls in those three areas. We see them most easily in the world around us but we reflect them in our inner world. Inspiring stories to help you walk through the walls in you and around you. For a happier, healthier, more peaceful soul. And world.