Spending more than you save, putting everything on credit cards, living beyond your means…does any of this sound familiar? If it does, you’re not alone — 60% of people globally are not financially literate; in other words, only 1 in 3 people understand basic financial concepts and have the ability to make informed financial choices. If you’re tired of living paycheck to paycheck, only paying the minimum amounts due on your debt each month, and worrying about money all the time, then this is the book for you.Written by someone who is actually IN the personal finance space, $ave Your Life helps you by starting small, and gradually introduces larger challenges once you have the foundation down — you’ll learn how to make a budget, how to find and eliminate the sneaky ways money flows out of your pockets, and even the basics of how to start investing on a small scale. Author Chris Nenkov offers advice on changing your mindset and being more aware of your spending, helping you decrease the amount you spend and increase the amount you’re able to save. With the goal of becoming financially independent and, ultimately, financially free, Nenkov shows you how to make the most of your time and money so you can achieve financial independence and live the life you really want — a life free from money worries.