Struggling to reduce your spending and save more? Looking to build wealth and achieve financial freedom? Discover how you can start right now to fix your money woes and grow your net worth – by setting aside as little as ten minutes or less time a day to devote to your finances.Are you trying to come to grips with your money concerns, yet finding it a challenge to muster the willpower to get cracking on it? Do you find that after a hard day’s work, you simply do not have the energy or time to put your mind to tackling your money problems or achieving your financial goals? Let author Joann Lindsey show you how by starting quick and smart money habits that take up just ten minutes (or less) of your time in a day, you can easily manage your finances and grow your wealth.Through a slew of helpful and easy-to-build habits in 52 Smart Habits to Manage Your Money and Grow Wealth, Lindsey tells how you can go from broke to well-off in less time a day than you think. This book is linked to Book 1 of the Smart 10-Minute Habits for a Better Life series – Easy 10-Minute (Or Less) Habits that Change Your Life that delineates how you can introduce a micro habit into your life and gradually increase the time spent on this mini action to transform it into a life-changing habit.In 52 Smart Habits to Manage Your Money and Grow Wealth, you’ll discover:Habits to ensure you stay on top of your finances so you can take appropriate action towards staying prudentHabits to help you to spot and seal money leaksHabits you can try to take better charge of your spending so you’ll have money left over at the end of the monthHabits to get you started on saving more for the futureHabits to multiply your money and get you on the road to achieving financial freedom All these suggestions for habits that you can start right now are easy to follow and quick to implement. They are mini actions that you are more likely to start without any hesitation and repeat on another day.All in all, the book lists in one place a collection of simple habits on a range of money issues that anyone may face.If you like micro action steps that do not take too much of your time and help you achieve your financial goals, you will like this succinctly written book by author Joann Lindsey. Buy the book now to transform your finances for the better and make your money dreams come true!