The life of a trader is full of ups and downs, and it helps if you have a set ofguidelines to help remind you of the right thing to do when you’re riding on thisemotional rollercoaster. In this book - Trading Tips to Navigate the Crisis, you will find a compilation of trading tips and lessons that I found useful in keeping me true to my trading process during the mad markets of this Covid-19 crisis. The book begins with a summary of what I thought would happen to the world from very early on just as the Covid-19 virus was spreading from beyond the borders of Wuhan, China. Every mini-chapter thereafter starts with a trading tip or market observation that I wrote on the stated date. These tips are part of the daily market summary that I write for TrackRecord Trading. As they were written as the crisis was unfolding, they are a good reflection of what was going through my mind as I was trading the markets during this time.