Whenever we mention money people pay attention. Solving money problems require the right financial skills which are gained by having the right financial education. Few study money intentionally. That is why we believe that getting degrees or going abroad, or getting a well-paying job will make us rich. Many associate prosperity with owning nice houses or having an expensive cars and so on. The right financial data is at the foundation of financial success and it is difficult without us having our financial plan. Without our own financial system we may struggle with our finance all our lives. How money is gained, kept and multiplied. No need to steal or cheat to get money. School was not designed to make you rich. We don’t have to retire poor or die poor. We don’t have to be broke all the time. Our financial success is our responsibility and it is not in the hands of Government or God. The poor and the average associate wealth with consumption, with spending. Financial independence is not a miracle or luck. As Africans we need strong sense of purpose and identity to achieve financial freedom. Strong sense of history. Self-confidence and the belief in our Continent.Build your own financial systems for long term wealth. We can start from where we are. It is always starts with one step. Be productively ethical in the economy, industry and culture in Africa.