Fortunately, the IRS extended the deadline for registering for stimulus checks to November 21. That’s the good news.The bad news is that unfortunately, most homeless neighbors in your community do not even know they have a check coming or how they can get theirs. More importantly, they probably don’t know how to leverage their checks to change their lives.Sixty-nine percent of our homeless guests at the Warming Center in Grants Pass, Oregon, did not get their stimulus check or even know how to get theirs.That's where we came in! Rogue Retreat staff reached out and helped homeless guests receive over $30,000 in stimulus checks!Even more amazing were the choices they made with spending their money: One hired an attorney to help with legal issues, Another purchased a truck he now sleeps in legally while a third pays for gas and food, andA fourth bought a bicycle to get to and from work while he stayed at the Kelly Shelter!Wow! Homeless using their checks to get off the streets!This is where you and this book come in! You and your community are uniquely positioned to help your homeless get their stimulus checks -- like we did -- even help them change their lives in both short-term and long-term.If you are willing and able to reach out to the homeless in your community, don’t miss this unique opportunity before the doors close! This book is here to help you!