Anyone can build wealth through the stock market especially those that are in debt. I take this position because you are already trained to pay debt/bills in a recurring manner. Apply one of my Total Debt Elimination methods to eradicate your debt. Upon completion, use the same recurring payments to invest in the stock market. If you do it, and choose even the most conservative strategy that I’ve outlined like index funds, you will not fail.Stock Market Radical Approach To Wealth is taught in detail so anyone that has bills such as mortgage, credit card debt, student loans, car payments, child support payments, personal loans, medical debt, an expensive lifestyle or just a desire, can transform their debt into unlimited wealth and cash flow. No need to deal with the dedication of running a business or owning real estate if that’s not your thing.If you do not have any debt, congratulations are in order. You have already demonstrated that the system of debt that paralyzes the majority of people, is no match for you. A significant portion of your money should be invested in a recurring manner. Stock market has historically returned a 10% interest and that’s for people who do nothing but put their money in the right places as outlined throughout the chapters. For the more ambitious, there’re minimum risk and high reward strategies demonstrated to help you build wealth aggressively.The 7 Easy Investment Steps in this publication has exhibited how to accelerate the payoff of your debt and redirect those funds into profitable investment portfolios. Top platforms in terms of low expense ratio, exceptional research and valuation tools, as well as the proper use of tax advantage retirement plans, plus access to free money in employer matching contributions were all disclosed.Smart strategies for picking well diversified portfolio mix of winning securities while identifying promising companies, by breaking down their fundamental principles and interpret their historical performances were also covered. No more second guessing what valuation tools or indicators to use and reading charts for technical analysis should now become second nature. No longer will you struggle after accumulating wealth, because you’ll generate more money while taking dividend payouts on a regular basis.