This short read is designed to give you some basic starting points in your investment strategies and save you from peddlers, whom you will no doubt encounter as you embark on putting your money to work. The advice here is not in-depth; nor is it universal. However, it is applicable to the vast majority of individuals and you will go a long way by following it. The very easy way to check if it applies is to ask yourself whether your situation is significantly different from the rest of the people in this country. Sure, if you have a trust fund or are a top 1% earner, this read is likely not for you, as you would need more complex strategies to get maximum performance and avoid high taxes. If you don’t fall into such categories, consider giving this a fair shot.I divided the book into several basic do’s and don’ts, adding a short paragraph for each subheading. If you would like to have further conversation about any of these items, please contact me and I will be happy to oblige.