This Handbook on Safeguarding Sensitive PII at DHS provides minimum standards that apply to every DHS employee, contractor, detailee, and consultant. Your Component Privacy Officer, Program Office, or System Owner may set additional or more specific rules for handling PII, including Sensitive PII, based on the sensitivity of the information involved. Your supervisor or Component Privacy Officer will be able to direct you to your Component-specific rules. [...] Sensitive PII is personally identifiable information, which if lost, compromised, or disclosed without authorization, could result in substantial harm, embarrassment, inconvenience, or unfairness to an individual. Some categories of PII, when maintained by DHS, are sensitive as stand-alone data elements. Examples of such Sensitive PII include: Social Security number (SSN), alien registration number (A-Number), or biometric identifier. Other data elements such as driver's license number, financial account number, citizenship or immigration status, or medical information, in conjunction with the identity of an individual (directly or indirectly inferred), are also Sensitive PII. In addition, the context of the PII may determine whether the PII is sensitive, such as a list of employee names with poor performance ratings