"Don't Punch Your Boss in the Face" is a good punch of reality served with a side of self-reflection, humility and humor, accompanied by a tall glass of Rhema Word! Andrette Chapman has taken a very familiar subject (and experience) and showed us how to deliberately, intentionally and consistently deal with the issue of having a difficult boss and/or co-workers, as well as challenging situations in the workplace. Through her good, bad, and even ugly experiences, she manages to see the lesson, acknowledge her part, and take responsibility, all while learning to depend on her spiritual and ever-present, godly foundation. "This book truly gives us a serious look at self-control, the power of prayer, and how our thoughts and (re)actions can make a world of difference when choosing the right thing to do and say. Chapman is genuinely concerned when she politely, satirically, and lovingly says, 'Don't Punch Your Boss in the Face!'" - Owerri Marrasha, Writer/Editor.