Did you know that movies and books like The Secret haven’t revealed the REAL secret behind getting what you want in life? It takes much more than simply visualizing, creating vision boards, or praying to get what you want in life. Yes, there IS a secret...and it’s about to be revealed to you inside this book! What’s incredible is that this secret is fairly simple and easy to implement. With just 15 minutes a day of your time, you can heal yourself, access amazing ideas that you would have never thought of before, and essentially COMMAND that the universe deliver to you exactly what you want. You may have heard of these promises before. So, how is this different? You’ll just have to find out by reading this book, understanding how a specific tested-and-proven technique works, and then to begin implementing this technique to get everything you want...and more! Now there’s just one thing left for you to do: READ THIS BOOK NOW! Then implement the technique to heal yourself, get ideas and gain breakthroughs, and get everything that you want. Start living the life you dream of!